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Onemind Presents Onemind

Robag WRUHME - Nata Alma


  • £13.50

Format: 12"

Cat: PAMPA 035

Genre: Deep House

Release Date: 12th May 2021 (back in)

Repress: 13 Oct 2023

* 2023 Repress

* Robag Wruhme, working on the material. On the very same piece. And performing two different movements. First, thinking in category Album: who will hear it where? also: mood, posi[on, length. Second, thinking in category Maxisingle: a spinning-tool for the club – another form of another func[onality: accelera[ng the rhythm, lowering the harmonicmelodious, s[ll preserving the nature of the song. And each version should make you HOT for the other!

Nata Alma, a voice loses itself in the infinite, a car brakes, a horse whinnies, the sun scorches relentless. Further, further on, towards the flickering, stoically. Water, flames on the horizon, Fata Morgana, a mirage. »And you might say, we've got no place to go?« - okay? no notokay at all!: Shuffle!

Nata Alma, melancholic Eight-minute-forty. A love song, a wave good-bye: »And you might say, that you need me no more?« sings Sidsel Endresen alongside Bugge Wesselto`'s swells and ebb-aways – metal never sounded so longing; a buzzing swing, a siren call from afar.

Robag Wruhme takes a seat at the organ and plays minor bass notes. He gets up, leaves the room and lays down a dry rock of funk: wooden kick on wooden snare, [ght-cut voices, driving hi-hats and shakers, gated synth danglers and percussion loops. Relentless, stoically. »And you might say, that it's over?« – relentless, maybe, but that's how he creates the Further: keep going! dance it off! a new day rising! And right here. Flip it and keep on moving: Venq Tolep. A summer meadow, grassstains, a gentle breeze, an early smell of hay. Venq Tolep. Endorphins [ckle under the skin. A percussive spectacle, dance of the insects. Hopping around in flat shoes, the beat is phat and reverberated by a cluster of trees. Stabs on the e-piano set in, picturing the euphoric moment when Loving-feelings walk hand-in-hand with a Hint of Melancholy.

Robag Wruhme, Nata Alma and Venq Tolep - music for dance floors, inside and outside, music for the summer, day and night, and for conver[bles on the way there.

* Tracklist:
A. Nata Alma (Club Smash Hit Version) 08:40
AA Venq Tolep (Hit Club Version) 06:24

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